Luqmaan Shaikh

Summer Intern 2024

Current High School Summer

Meet Luqmaan Shaikh

Summer Intern 2024

School: Burlington Highschool

EDIT ML Program Track: Skills Development

About Me: My name is Luqmaan Shaikh, I am a junior at Burlington High School. I am interested in the intersection between AI and Healthcare. I am specifically interested in Machine learning and its application to Neurodegenerative diseases and pathology. I am really passionate about Public Health, and I am the co-founder of my school’s Helyx Club, a Biochemistry/STEM-focused club aimed at fostering STEM development and education within our schools. Outside of that, I enjoy playing Tennis, Badminton, and Mountain Biking. I am really looking forward to this program and am excited about expanding my horizons in the EDIT ML program at Dartmouth.

Project/Research Interests: Computational pathology, Neurodegenerative diseases, and Quantitative Biomedical Sciences