Aadi Duggal

Summer Intern 2024

Current High School Summer

Meet Aadi Duggal

Summer Intern 2024

School: Winston Churchill High School

EDIT ML Program Track: Advanced Research

About Me: Hello! My name is Aadi Duggal, a rising junior at Winston Churchill High School. I am extremely passionate towards engineering and computer science, and am captivated to solve real world problems. Whether it’s designing sustainable infrastructure, developing innovative machine learning models to analyze medical datasets or exploring the intersection of robotics and artificial intelligence, I’m deeply committed to making a positive impact through STEM. Outside of the classroom, you’ll often find me programming in my free time, working on computer science and machine learning research projects, or playing video games with my friends! I’m driven by curiosity and fueled by the endless possibilities that STEM offers, and I can’t wait to see where this journey takes me.

Project/Research Interests: My project research interests are mostly in machine learning and engineering. I am very interested in using different ML algorithms to develop models that can help solve real world problems. However, I’m equally drawn to the hands-on engineering aspect of bringing these solutions to life. Designing prototypes and conducting experiments to refining and implementing practical solutions would all be research projects that excite me.